Knowledge for business
SRS Intelligence is useful knowledge
for business decisions, produced by results-driven
operational analysis of relevant documentary
material and fresh, relevant data
from persons who know what you need to know.
This includes information about "off-the-balance-sheet"
issues. SRS Intelligence is knowledge that
solves the puzzle and changes the odds in
your favor.
In the face of uncertainty and increasing
competition, executives need the knowledge
advantage of SRS Intelligence to make the
right decisions on critical issues in marketing
& sales, procurement, M&A, alliances, executive
recruiting, legal, and all other
Complex and delicate
Executives know that advances in mining
a company's internal, historical data have
illuminated buyer needs and behavior and
even supplier performance and capabilities.
They use internal data with increasing effectiveness
to boost the top line and also to control
A wealth of external digital data is easily
available, too. The Internet provides a
flood of news and other information, much
of it free. New tools make it easy to find,
store, and use this data.
Some executives mistakenly believe that
they can make critical decisions solely
on the basis of their internal, historical
data and the flood of external digital information.
But digital "news" - free or purchased -
is often not news at all. It is stale and
may be seriously flawed, containing errors
of fact or even disinformation. Furthermore,
digital "news" simply cannot fully illuminate
many complex and delicate issues that confront
decision-makers. Consider just a few such
- competitors' plans and capabilities
- regulators' intentions
- potential executives' real backgrounds
- acquisition targets' hidden
- JV partners' conflicts of interest
- foreign partners' reliability
To deal successfully with these and other
critical issues, you also need results-driven
operational analysis based on relevant documentary
information that is often not easily available
in digital form and especially on fresh
information from people outside your
company. Much of this valuable information
is beyond the scope of quantitative or qualitative
marketing research and simply cannot be
obtained by ordinary investigations.
Lack of focus is
Many companies also lack focus in their
search for knowledge. Advances in technology
encourage the indiscriminate accumulation
of masses of information and the endless
combing of internal and external databases
in the hope that critical insights will
somehow emerge for all business decisions
- whether in marketing, logistics, product
development, or strategic acquisitions.
Executives rely blindly on Technology as
a panacea.
Does this sound familiar? So is the result
-- decision-makers in every functional area
of business are overwhelmed by masses of
largely stale, irrelevant data while analysis
lags far behind needs. Executives remain
under-informed and are even worse off than
The risks are high, the danger is great
-- the cost of incorrect decisions driven
by faulty knowledge can far exceed the wasted
investment of money and of even more precious
time. A firm's viability can be at stake.
Power you can use
The way to control risks and gain competitive
advantage is systematic and targeted
corporate intelligence -- the continuous,
focused collection of relevant information
not only from all kinds of documentary material
but also from human sources inside and outside
your company. Then results-driven operational
analysis must produce from this information
the meaningful conclusions and clear implications
executives need for critical decisions.
This is SRS Intelligence.
Corporate intelligence is simply knowledge
-- and, yes, knowledge in itself is power.
SRS Intelligence gives you this power. Power
you can use in every area of business. Change
the odds in your favor. To learn
how, see Actual
Do you need customized training? To discuss
it and receive a quotation call SRS Intelligence
today at +1 215-884-9466 or e-mail info@srsintelligence.com
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